How is the
water crisis
being addressed?
Let's celebrate those who are addressing it.
What are you working on?
If you are involved in the essential work of:
- using water more efficiently
- reducing costs and protecting the environment
- ensuring water is safe to drink
- turning water back into a healthy, natural resource after use
- making water safely available where needed
The water2thrive community is an opportunity to tell the world about your innovative products, services and research.
According to the United Nations, by 2030, there will be a 40% shortfall of usable water on Earth.
Today, a quarter of the global population – 2 billion people – use unsafe drinking water sources.
Half of humanity – 3.6 billion people – live without safely managed sanitation.
And 1 in 3 people – 2.3 billion – lack basic handwashing facilities at home.
Over 80% of wastewater is released to the environment without being treated or reused.
And droughts could be the next pandemic.
Almost three quarters of all recent disasters are water-related, having caused economic damage of almost US$700 billion in the past 20 years.
– Vision statement UN 2023 Water Conference
There is no alternative. Protect the source. We all need